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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Low Area, Low Power and Wide Bandwidth Operational Amplifier by 130nm CMOS Technology
Chintan Suman Verma, Dr. R. H. Talwekar
Abstract: A high performance two-stage Operational Amplifier is presented in this paper having the specifications of less Area and wide bandwidth which is operated on low power i. e.1.3V supply. Miller capacitor with resistor is used for compensation which also significantly improves the bandwidth. Design of Operational Amplifier is demonstrated with only CMOS transistors. The Amplifier exhibits a gain of 59 dB, 1.25 MHz 3dB bandwidth, 605 MHz Unity gain bandwidth, 269 dB CMRR, 106 dB PSRR, 1.6 V/s Slew rate with the power dissipation of 0.43 mW.
Keywords: Op-amp, low power, less area, two-stage, CMRR
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Pages: 1765 - 1767
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