International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014 | Rating: 6.8 / 10

Epidemiological Study of Unnatural Death Pattern in Varanasi, India

Dr. Awdhesh Kumar [16]

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Unnatural deaths due to different cause of death have a serious psychological and social impact on the family and community. Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to find out how pattern of unnatural deaths affect incidence, age, sex, habitat, marital status, religion and manner of death in community, to ascertain the various aspects and find remedial measures. MATERIAL & METHOD: The present retrospective study has been conducted for the period of 5 consecutive years i. e.2009 to 2013 based on autopsy record of the unnatural death cases resulting from various cause of deaths. During study period total no. of autopsy victims were 10195 these cases were brought to the Department of Forensic Medicine, IMS, BHU, Varanasi and have been analyzed retrospectively. RESULT: Unnatural death 8985 i. e.88.13 % of total autopsy. Road traffic injury 3963 (44.11 %) contribute most common cause.21 to 30 year were most common age group affected 2793 (31.09 %). Male were outnumber 6164 (68.60 %) female 2821 (31.40 %). Rural outnumber 7778 (86.57 %) urban 467 (8.24 %). Hindu were major cause 7971 (88.71 %). Major cases in summer season 3517 (39.14 %). CONCLUSION: Strict implementation of traffic rules. Need satisfactory and interpersonal relationship between the young and the elders in the society. Need education and encouragement of moral values of the leaders of the society.

Keywords: Road traffic accidents, Unnatural Death Patterns, Suicidal, Accidental, Autopsy

Edition: Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014,

Pages: 914 - 917

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