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Research Paper | Agronomy | Philippines | Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Assessment of Corn Farmer's Knowledge and Awareness Level of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Alfonso Lista Ifugao, Philippines
Chiemela F. Anyanwu
Abstract: A survey study was carried out to assess the knowledge and awareness level in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technology and concepts among corn farmers in Alfonso Lista in the Province of Ifugao Philippines. Fifteen barangays constituting the major corn planting areas of the municipality were chosen. The sample size was 400 respondents. The results indicated that 67 % of the respondents are between the ages of 31-50 years old with 69 % as male and 31 % female. Less than half of the respondent (28 %) have high school graduate diploma while 6 % are college graduates. The findings of the study indicated that the respondents have low levels of knowledge and awareness in integrated pest management technology and concepts hence they relies more on chemicals in combating insect and weeds infestations. The findings of study showed that the respondent have also low levels in terms of training and access to information and publications regarding IPM. The correlation and regression analyses indicated that age and knowledge/awareness level are negatively correlated. This indicates that the respondents who are 31-50 years ofage lack trainings which played a major role in their low levels of IPM knowledge and awareness.
Keywords: IPM, Knowledge, Awareness, Training, Information, Education, Age
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2741 - 2744
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