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Research Paper | Physics Science | India | Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Growth, Spectroscopic and Optical Studies of meta-Nitro Aniline NLO Organic Crystal
Shobha Kulshrestha, A.K. Shrivastava
Abstract: In this paper a single crystal of Meta nitro aniline (mNA) an organic nonlinear optical (NLO) was grown by slow solvent evaporation technique at 30-40c temperature, acetone was used as a solvent. A good yellow reddish colour crystal of mNA was obtained in duration of 2 weeks. The grown crystal was subjected to different characterization such as single crystal X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy and NLO-Optical studies. The grown crystal was characterized by XRD analysis, which shows that crystal was perfectly crystalline in nature and belongs to orthorhombic structure. The lattice parameters are a=6.47, b=19.33, c=5.08, V=635.333. FTIR spectrum was recorded using spectrophotometer by KBr pellet technique in the region 4000-500 cm-1. This study was recorded to confirm the functional groups of respected compound. UV-visible spectrum was recorded by UV spectrophotometer in the rang 200-900 nm. UV visible transmittance studies show that the grown crystal s have wide optical transparency in the entire visible region, the cut-off wavelength is occur at 239 nm. The optical energy band gap is found to be 4.1 eV. The second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency of the material was estimated using Nd: YAG laser as a source.
Keywords: Nonlinear optical crystal, NLO-Studies, Solution growth technique, FTIR Spectroscopy, UV-Spectroscopy X-ray diffraction
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014
Pages: 1303 - 1305
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