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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
A Comparative Study between PI Controller and Fuzzy Controller for Speed Control of Dual Induction Motor
Jenifer Rosney.J, Hephzibah Jose Queen.J
Abstract: A comparative study is made between the PI controller and fuzzy controller demonstrating the speed control of dual induction motor using fuzzy logic controller under unbalanced conditions. The dual induction motor is controlled by weighed vector value and the process of finding the weighed vector value is presented. The simulation is done in the MATLAB platform to study the effectiveness of the control.
Keywords: Dual Induction Motor, Fuzzy logic controller, P I Proportional Integral Controller, Summation torque, Unbalanced condition, Weighed Vector control and Weighed vector value
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014
Pages: 784 - 789
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