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Review Papers | Homeopathy | India | Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Smokeless Tobacco Addiction in the North Eastern Region Specially Nagaland & Homoeopathic Management - A Review Article
Prabin Kumar Shaw
Abstract: Every civilization known to us about the use of mind-altering substances. The substances can be uses for medicinal, recreational, religious and social purposes. Each community develops its own set of parameters regarding the norms and practices in order to control the use and / abuse of these substances. However, in North East India region, there has been major social changes, which have created cultural variation, breakdown and disruptions for norms & parameters. The socio-cultural, economic and historical factors are the leading factors for the emergence of the problem of different addictions like smokeless tobacco addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction in this region. Among these the reason for the increase in smokeless tobacco addiction in this region is multiplex. First the irresponsible life style of the youths of this region, secondly the surrogate advertisement, thirdly the slack law enforcement. The spread of western culture among the tribal population of the North east region specially Nagaland may also be held responsible for this alarming rise of smokeless tobacco (SLT) addiction. There is widespread morbidity & mortality related to SLT use but SLT has not yet received attention as it deserve a public health problem. Homoeopathy system is being widely used as preferred way of treatment for preventive and curative purpose for the patients suffering ill effects of smokeless tobacco addiction & its consequences. This review aims to describe literature available in respect of smokeless tobacco addiction & the approach of Homoeopathy in it by searching various databases electronically. The beneficial effect of Homoeopathic medicines in the bad effects of smokeless tobacco addiction & its consequences are described by various stalwarts in different Homoeopathic literature. Homoeopathic treatment should be given on the basis of individualization.
Keywords: Smokeless tobacco, Addiction, Global adult tobacco survey, Homoeopathy
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Pages: 1594 - 1601
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