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Survey Paper | Education Management | India | Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Influence of Automaticity on Life Skill Mathematics: A Study among Higher Secondary School Students
Dr. Minikutty A, Ankitha Mohan
Abstract: At present students life is filled with so many challenges. Life Skill Mathematics helps the student to manage these circumstances successfully. Life Skill Mathematics of teaching is targeted the learners will have the opportunity to develop generic and transferable skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. The terminology used to explain automaticity is approximately memorization, quick recall, fluency, unconscious processing, involuntary or obligatory effort, declarative knowledge, and fast retrieval are a few of the ideas behind the definitions of automaticity. This study explores the Influence of Automaticity on Life Skill Mathematics among higher secondary school students. The tools used were Life Skill Mathematics test and Automaticity test which were developed and standardised by the investigators. Relevant data was collected from a sample of higher secondary school students and analysed using Pearsons coefficient of correlation and find the influence of Automaticity on Life Skill Mathematics, the findings revealed that Automaticity has a positive influence on Life Skill Mathematics of higher secondary school students. Life Skill Mathematics and Automaticity are helpful in the proper development of students in such a way that each student will be able to understand the life problems and solve them efficiently. Teachers should provide class room activities related to Life Skill Mathematics as well as those aimed to enhance Automaticity for motivating them to learn and use mathematics successfully.
Keywords: Life Skill Mathematics, Automaticity
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020
Pages: 1574 - 1576
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