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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Assess the Level of Knowledge on Prevention of Pressure Ulcer among Primary Care Giver Attending Chronically Bed Ridden Patient
Dr. K. Meena Murugan, A. Kanjana
Abstract: Assess the level of knowledge on prevention of pressure ulcer among primary care giver attending chronically bed ridden patient Dr. K. MeenaMurugan M. Sc (N), MBA (HM), Ph. D. Professor, Dept of Community Health Nursing. V. Vivegapriya, B. Sc (N). Back ground: Health promotion and prevention enables individuals, families and communities to develop their full health potential. Maintaining skin integrity is important. A few client populations are thought to be at greater risk of developing pressure sores because of bed ridden, immobility like orthopedics clients with fractures, the elderly with femoral fractures and client in nursing settings and home settings. Studies have shown that the incidence of pressure sore increases with length of stay. Methodology: A quantitative research approach was used with, one group pre-test and post-test design. The study was conducted at Sri Manakula vinayagar medical college and hospital, Madagadipet. The selection of setting was done on the basis of feasibility of conducting the study. The target population for the study comprises of 20 primary care givers of bedridden patients. Purposive sampling technique was used for sample selection. Demographic data consists of age, sex, education status, occupation, marital status, family income, religion, type of family, source of information and area of residence. Assessment of knowledge and practice consists of 30 objective types of multiple choice questions. Results The investigator assessed the knowledge of primary care givers regarding prevention of pressure ulcer by using checklist and questionnaire and the intervenes training programme by posters after a gap of seven days depending on the convenience of the sample. The data analysis showed that level of knowledge post-test score was 14 (70 %) of samples had adequate knowledge, 6 (30 %) of samples had moderate level of knowledge. Results revealed that there was an adequate knowledge among primary care giver attending chronically bed ridden
Keywords: Pressure ulcer, Primary care giver
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020
Pages: 1599 - 1600
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