International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Medicine Science | Spain | Volume 9 Issue 3, March 2020 | Rating: 6.9 / 10

Hyperbolic Curves in Medicine and the Earths Magnetic Field

Jesus M. Gonzalez-Gonzalez [10]

Abstract: Introduction: The relationship between the hyperbolic curves that occur in human physiology and those that occur in the Earth's magnetic fields are described. Methods: Hyperbolic curves in medicine and theory of relativity were studied. Results: There are hyperbolic curves in human physiology. Diseases can be studied as an expansion-contraction system that moves with different speeds and sometimes it reminds of the concept of fractal. Conclusions: The deformed space in which we live is hyperbolic. In the physiology of the human body there are hyperbolic curves that are similar to the lines of force of a magnet and the Earth's magnetic field. Hyperbolic human physiology can be fragmented just like a magnet does in smaller ones and this is repeated on smaller scales as in a fractal. When a moving organ approaches an observer, it follows the hyperbolic lines of force that come out of the north pole of a magnet. The dilation factor perpendicular to the movement is 1/K2 = c2-v2/c2. When a moving organ moves away from an observer, it follows the hyperbolic lines of force that enter through the south pole of a magnet. The contraction factor perpendicular to the movement is 1/K2 = c2 / c2-v2.

Keywords: hyperbolic, physiology, human, magnetic, relativity

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 3, March 2020,

Pages: 1620 - 1624

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