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Case Studies | Medical Surgical | Indonesia | Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Management of Multiple Soft Tissue Injuries in Oromaxillofacial Trauma: Case Report
Nurul Rizqina, Endang Sjamsudin, Seto Adiantoro
Abstract: Background: Soft tissue injuries is one of the most common reasons why patient visit emergency department. Management of emergency soft tissue injuries caused of trauma requires quick and appropriate action to prevent complications. The purpose of this case report is to describe and discuss prompt and appropriate emergency management of patient who have multiple soft tissue injuries caused of oromaxillofacial trauma. Case Report: A 21-year-old male patient was referred to emergency department caused of bleeding from mouth due to fell down while sitting on the edge of bridge that suddenly collapsed in Karawang area with mechanism his face hit the stone edge of bridge first. In clinical examination there was necrotic tissue at lip avulsion region, lacerated wound at nasolabial region, gingiva of teeth 31, 32, 41, vestibule of teeth 33-34, and lacerated wound at tongue region. Treatment was wound debridement, necrotomy debridement, irrigation, and suturing at lacerated wound extra oral and intra oral. Conclusion: Multiple soft tissue injuries due to trauma at oromaxillofacial area need immediate treatment to prevent infection and maintain aesthetics. Wounds in this case occur good healing without significant complications.
Keywords: Lacerated wound, soft tissue, trauma
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020
Pages: 993 - 998
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