International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Physics | India | Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2021 | Rating: 4.3 / 10

Mechanoluminescence Characterization of γ - irradiated Ba3 (VO4) 2: Eu phosphors

Vikas Gulhare [4] | S J Dhoble | R S Kher

Abstract: Present paper reports mechanoluminescence characteristic of Ba3 (VO4) 2: Eu phosphors. Ba3 (VO4) 2 samples having different concentration of Eu have been prepared by solid state diffusion technique. Formation of the samples was confirmed by taking XRD data. Gamma irradiation was carried out using 60Co source. ML was excited impulsively by dropping a load on to the sample. Ba3 (VO4) 2: Eu (0.1 mole%) phosphors shows the maximum ML intensity. The dependence of ML intensity on γ - dose has also been studied. ML emission spectrum contains a broad peak around 606 nm. ML emission around 606 nm in the Ba3 (VO4) 2: Eu may be due to transition of Eu3+ ions.

Keywords: Mechanoluminescence, XRD, solid state reaction

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2021,

Pages: 480 - 483

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