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Research Paper | Medicine | India | Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021 | Popularity: 4.7 / 10
MRI Study for Comparative Measurement of Cardiac Parameters between Endurance and Resistance Athletes
Sandip Maheshwari
Abstract: B??kgr?und: L?ng l?sting ?hysi??l tr?ining h?s ?n influen?e ?n the ge?metri? ?nd fun?ti?n?l ?h?r??teristi?s ?f the he?rt. L?ng - term high dyn?mi? ??tivity resulted in ? m?ssive in?re?se in b?th the intern?l di?meter ?nd w?ll thi?kness ?f left ventri?le (e??entri? hy?ertr??hy). ?n the ?ther h?nd, ?thletes inv?lved in s??rts ?h?r??terized by intense is?meri? exer?ises h?ve ?n in?re?sed LV w?ll thi?kness with?ut ? ?h?nge in the ?h?mber size (??n?entri? hy?ertr??hy). ?im: The ?rim?ry ?bje?tive is t? ??m??re the me?surement ?f left ventri?ul?r w?ll thi?kness (LVWT) between endur?n?e ?nd resist?n?e ?thletes. The se??nd?ry ?bje?tives ?re t? ??m??re the me?surements ?f left ventri?ul?r m?ss (LVM), Left ventri?ul?r end - di?st?li? v?lume (LVEDV), left ventri?ul?r end - syst?li? v?lume (LVESV) ?nd str?ke v?lume (SV) between endur?n?e ?nd resist?n?e ?thletes. Settings ?nd designs: The ?resent study w?s ??ndu?ted in the De??rtment ?f R?di? di?gn?sis, ?f ? terti?ry ??re h?s?it?l. ?ll ??ses underwent MRI br?in with 1.5 Tesl? MRI. M?teri?ls ?nd meth?ds: The study in?luded t?t?l 30 ??ses, 15 e??h ?f endur?n?e ?nd resist?n?e ?thletes, ?t the terti?ry ??re institute. ?fter ?bt?ining the ??m?lete set ?f im?ges, the m?r?h?l?gi??l ?nd fun?ti?n?l v?ri?bles ?f ??rdi?? ?h?mbers were me?sured. St?tisti??l ?n?lysis: T - tests f?r inde?endent s?m?les were used t? ??m??re the ?ver?ge v?lues between these gr?u?s. ??n?lusi?n: The endur?n?e ?thletes h?d signifi??ntly higher LVWT, LVM, LVEDV and LVESV th?n resist?n?e ?thletes. SV v?lues were in?re?sed in resist?n?e ?thletes.
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021
Pages: 807 - 811
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