Static and Dynamic Analysis of Multistoried Building in Seismic Zone-III
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 10 Issue 2, February 2021 | Popularity: 7 / 10


Static and Dynamic Analysis of Multistoried Building in Seismic Zone-III

Venkata Raju Badanapuri

Abstract: Generally, the building is subjected to seismic loads the infill masonry wall is considered as nonstructural elements and their stiffness contribution are ignored during the analysis. RC frame building with open ground story is called as soft story, similarly soft story effect can be observed when soft story at different level of the structure is constructed. In recent earthquake it is observed that a building with discontinuous in stiffness and mass subjected to concentration of forces and the point of discontinuity which may leads to failure of members at the junction and collapse of building. One of the most economical ways to eliminate failure of soft story is by adding shear walls to tall buildings. Analysis is carried out by manual. The analytical model of the building includes all important component that influence the strength, stiffness, mass, and deformability of the structure. It is an attempt to study the performance of a building with open ground story along with an intermediate soft story with floating columns, type of shear wall in seismic porn areas. Fundamental time period, base shear, story displacement, story drift is calculated by equivalent static analysis (ESA) and response spectrum analysis (RSA) method and compared for all models.

Keywords: Dynamic analysis, Equivalent static analysis, Response spectrum analysis, Seismic Zones

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 2, February 2021

Pages: 86 - 96


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Venkata Raju Badanapuri, "Static and Dynamic Analysis of Multistoried Building in Seismic Zone-III", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 10 Issue 2, February 2021, pp. 86-96,, DOI:
