A Locally Fabricated Water Distillation Kit: A Tool for Sustaining the Interest of Students in the Learning of Physics in Africa
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Physics | Nigeria | Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021 | Popularity: 5.9 / 10


A Locally Fabricated Water Distillation Kit: A Tool for Sustaining the Interest of Students in the Learning of Physics in Africa

Ozuomba J. O., Edebeatu C. C., Elekalachi C. I.

Abstract: Successful students have a continuous motivating cycle of reflection, connection, confidence and positive self-esteem. Therefore, it is imperative for an educator in an academic institution to create a positive and encouraging environment that enhances students learning and personal fulfilment. We fabricated a Roof – type Solar Water Distillation (RSWD) kit which was tested under actual environmental conditions of Urualla, an ancient town in the Eastern part of Nigeria. The system includes four major components; a rectangular wooden basin, an absorber surface, a glass roof and a condensate channel. All the components were obtained from our local environment and the RSWD was able to generate 2.3m3 of distilled water within six days. This is a successful practical application of the principles of thermal absorbance, evaporation and condensation. Obviously, a successful practical experience ensures deeper understanding of the subject and sustains student interest.

Keywords: Roof-type solar, water distillation kit, portable water, students’ interest in physics, Urualla, Eastern Nigeria

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021

Pages: 1767 - 1770

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR21221012004

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Ozuomba J. O., Edebeatu C. C., Elekalachi C. I., "A Locally Fabricated Water Distillation Kit: A Tool for Sustaining the Interest of Students in the Learning of Physics in Africa", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021, pp. 1767-1770, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=SR21221012004, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR21221012004