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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Analysis and Design of Elevated Intez Water Tank based on Normal Frame Staging Subjected to Seismic Loading by Using StaadPro Software
Venkata Raju Badanapuri
Abstract: Water is as important commodity as food and air for the existence of life. All plants and animals must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. As water is very precious and due to the scarcity of drinking water in day-to-day life one has to take care of every drop. Anelevated Intez water tank is used to store water for fire protection and potable drinking water within a designated area or community over the daily requirement. Elevated Intez tanks allow the natural force of gravity to produce consistent water pressure throughout the system. Elevated Intez water tanks are one of the most important structures in earthquake high regions. In major cities and also in rural areas elevated or overhead water tanks forms an integral part of water supply scheme. Based on the intended application and needs of the distribution area, Elevated Intez water tanks can be engineered using a broad range of shapes, sizes, and materials. Elevated Intez water tank is the most effective storing facility used for domestic or even industrial purpose. The design should be based on the worst possible combination of loads, moments and shears arising from vertical loads and horizontal loads acting in any direction when the tank is full as well as empty. These structures have large mass concentrated at the top of slender supporting structure hence these structures are especially vulnerable to horizontal forces due to earthquake. In this research by performing the seismic analysis of Intez elevated tank, what is deflection shape due to hydrostatic pressure then stresses, are analysed. Elevated Intez water tanks that are inadequately analyzed and designed have suffered extensive damage during past earthquakes record. Hence it is important to check the severity of these earthquake forces for particular region. In this paper presents the study of seismic performance of the elevated Intez water tanks for high intensity seismic zones of India for various sections. Cracks can be prevented by avoiding the use of thick timber shuttering which prevent the easy escape of heat of hydration from the concrete mass. Elevated Intez tank consist of a container at the top, supported on a staging to transfer the load of the container to the foundation. Container consists of ?a domical roof, cylindrical vertical wall, a conical dome and a bottom dome. The staging consists of a frame work of columns and braces or a thin circular shaft. Generally, a column-brace system is preferred as staging for elevated Intez tank. By considering all the requirements which are essential for economical construction, in this research by performing the seismic analysis of elevated Intez tank is designed for population of around 5, 926 people. The effect of height of water tank in earthquake zones and section of tank on earthquake forces have been presented with the help of STAAD PRO software.
Keywords: Types of tanks, Elevated Intez water tank, Tank Capacity, Hydrostatic pressure, Analysis, Design criteria as per IS code
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Pages: 720 - 731
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