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Research Paper | Economics and Management | China | Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Analysis of the Influence of Industrial Structure Change in Hebei Province on GDP
Dai Xiaoyang
Abstract: Industrial structure and economic growth are closely related, the change of industrial structure affects the speed of economic growth, and economic growth will also affect the change of industrial structure to a certain extent. This paper mainly uses the output value of three industries and the total value of GDP in Hebei Province from 1987 to 2016 to directly reflect the relationship between industrial structure and GDP through descriptive statistical analysis. At the same time, the marginal effect of the three industries on GDP, namely elasticity, is obtained by the least square method, which verifies that the second and third industries play an important role in the process of GDP growth in Hebei Province. The empirical analysis of the change of industrial structure in Hebei Province on GDP uses the analysis method of time series data, mainly including the unit root test, co-integration test and other empirical studies. At last, the author puts forward the idea of economic development in Hebei province: to improve the benign economic growth of Hebei province by increasing the output value of the second and third industries, and to promote the transformation of the industrial structure from second, third and first to third, second and first.
Keywords: Industrial structure, GDP, Descriptive statistics, The empirical analysis
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Pages: 545 - 549
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