International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | Nigeria | Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021 | Rating: 6.7 / 10

Assessing the Effects of Radiation on X-ray Workers in Hospitals within Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria

Iyama William Azuka

Abstract: The research was based on the assessment of the effects of radiation on x-ray workers in hospitals within Port Harcourt metropolis, Nigeria. The study areas were Military Hospital, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital; Palmars Hospital and Save a life hospital all in Port Harcourt. The population size was 150 and the sample size 110 indicating the number of patients and workers within the hospitals for follow-up care. The sampling method used was the simple random technique, using the Taro Yamene formula to determine the sample size. Instrument for data collection were questionnaire designed to suite the aim of study. The research design adopted was the cross sectional survey design. The result showed that 64 % of the respondents have adequate awareness of the radiation phenomenon, 77 % accept having done x-ray, 64 % also agreed to the wearing of film badges by imaging workers, 91 % of the hospitals have Pb-lined x-ray rooms, 91 % agreed to have been protected from radiation. Similarly, 82 % also acknowledged been properly handled during x-ray examination, 55 % agreed having some negative effects of radiation after x-ray examination but 64 % disagreed on being given proper instructions and enlightenment on side effects of the radiation. About 82 % agreed to a good and cordial relationship amongst imaging workers but same 82 % also agreed to the limiting property of radiation dose on workers. Adherence to radiation protection practice among imaging workers in Port Harcourt metropolis during the study period was however poor but the general perception and awareness on the effect, exposure and practice is relatively high. Therefore, imaging workers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria should embrace current trends in radiation protection and make more concerted efforts to apply their knowledge in protecting themselves and patients from harmful effects of ionizing radiation.

Keywords: X-ray, X-ray workers, Radiation, Pb-lined, film badges, imaging workers, exposure, ionizing radiation

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021,

Pages: 934 - 940

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