International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Business Management of Fashion | India | Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021 | Popularity: 4.3 / 10


Re-Shaping Educational Universities with Online Methods of Teaching with Trends

Rebecca Dsouza

Abstract: Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the economic and social challengesfaced by universities and educational institutionshave given rise to academic learning programs online which is a top priority today and this has encouraged individual and classroom online teaching and learning. E-learning and Technology have transformed and influenced all educational universities to go online globally. So all universities started using Learning Management System. This has changed how we work and learn. The Learning Management System helps to shape up the online learning system for organizing quality-based tools which can be designed according to the needs of the Educational System for Universities.This helps students with personal learning environments,whichare highly engaging for online learning.Online or remote teaching is time-consuming to structure and prepare for virtual online classes, its hard work, but one has to change and adapt with the times, and it's important to keep up with the currents trends of teaching and be familiar with a user-friendly Learning Management System. The latest top educational trends for 2021/22 are shaping interesting intellectual socio-economic factors forcing the demand for digital learning.

Keywords: Digital learning, E-learning Globally, Learning Management System, Technologyand Trends

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021

Pages: 1042 - 1044


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Rebecca Dsouza, "Re-Shaping Educational Universities with Online Methods of Teaching with Trends", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021, pp. 1042-1044,, DOI: