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Research Proposals or Synopsis | Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation | United States of America | Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021 | Popularity: 4.6 / 10
Smart Selection of Cutting Tool for Work Part Under Sustainability Considerations
Nand K Jha
Abstract: A mathematical study for smart selection of cutting tool for a particular work part has been presented. The sustainability considerations such as greenhouse gas and other considerations of economy, tool life, and design have been included. For machining operations, we have large number of cutting tool materials from carbon steel to ceramics and diamond are included. Out of all these cutting tool materials, it is difficult to select a cutting tool which meets all the sustainability requirements including GHG emission, surface finish, cost, and recyclability The suitability and selection of a cutting tool material for a work part material under sustainability consideration has been the main driving force. A computer software on MATLAB has been developed which can select the most suitable cutting tool material for a work material. In particular we analyze the following properties of cutting tool material; high hot hardness, CO2 NOx, SO2, and mercury (GHG) emissions. These emissions depend largely on the cutting tool geometry and minimize the heat generation during machining. The effect of tool geometry for energy minimization is studied for sustainable manufacturing. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emission has been analyzed in terms of rake angle (?) . The shear force (Fs) decreases as rake angle increases. Subsequently the reduction in horse power requirement will affect the GHG emissions. How much CO2 is emitted in air during machining has been quantified. The friction force (F) declines very rapidly as rake angle (?) increases and reduce the lubricant requirement during machining. The study of total specific energy (TSE) the summation of specific process energy (SPE) and specific constant energy (SCE) in machining also included.
Keywords: Cutting Too, MATLAB, greenhouse gas, total specific energy, TSE
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021
Pages: 252 - 259
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