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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
A Study to Assess Knowledge, Attitude and Self Care Practices Regarding Type - 2 Diabetes Mellitus among the Patients (Type - 2 Dm) in Selected Hospitals of Guwahati, Assam with a View to Prepare an Information Booklet
Pampi Kakati, Dr. Bibi Bordoloi, Juri Phukan
Abstract: Background: Diabetes is a serious, long-term condition with a major impact on the lives and well being of individuals, families, and societies worldwide. Inadequate knowledge, poor attitude and poor self care practices among diabetic patients are some of the important variables influencing the progression of diabetes and its complications, which are largely preventable through education and involvement of the patient. A study was conducted on ?A study to assess Knowledge, Attitude and Self Care Practices regarding Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus among the Patients (Type-2 DM) in Selected Hospitals of Guwahati, Assam with a view to prepare an Information Booklet .?Aim: The aim of the study was to assess knowledge, attitude and self care practices among patients with Type -2 Diabetes Mellitus; to find out the correlation between knowledge and attitude; knowledge and self care practices; attitude and self care practices among patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and to find out the association between knowledge, attitude and self care practices with selected demographic variables. The present study was based on Health Belief model (modified by Becker MH, 1974) Methodology: Quantitative Descriptive approach with Descriptive correlational research design was adopted for the study. Consecutive sampling technique was used to draw 110 Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus patients from 3conviniently selected hospitals namely GMCH, GRNC (Dispur) and Nemcare hospital. Data collection was done by using structured interview schedule which was comprised of demographic performa, structured knowledge questionnaire, attitude scale and practice checklist and analyzed in statistical package of social science. Results: Out of 110 Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus patients majority i.e. 35 (31.8%) belonged to the age group of 41-50 years, 79 (71.8%) were male, 85 (77.3%) belonged to Hindu religion , 33 (30.0%) were primary school pass, 30 (27.2%) were unemployed including homemaker, 29 (26.4%) belonged to monthly family income Rs 39, 033-78,062, 66(60%) had family history of Diabetes Mellitus,51(46.4%)suffered from <1years,and 41(37.3%) got information regarding Diabetes Mellitus from mass media. Majority of the subjects 60 (54.5%) had moderately adequate (10.47?1.76) knowledge; 55 (50.0%) had average (15.60?1.448) attitude, and 61 (55.5%) had average (10.84?2.65) self care practices regarding Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Significant moderately positive correlation was found between knowledge and attitude (r=0.403,p<.001); knowledge and self care practices(r=.561, p<.001) and attitude and self care practices (r=0.388, p<.001).Significant association was found between knowledge and selected variables like educational status [?2(8) 20.69] p<.01, occupational status [? 2(8) 19.28] p<.05, monthly family income [? 2(10) 29.20] p<.01,and family history of diabetes mellitus [? 2(2) 11.09] p<.01; attitude and selected variables like age[? 2(8) 18.484] p<.05, monthly family income [?2(10) 21.62] p<.05 and duration of diabetes mellitus [?2(4)14.219] p<.010; self care practices and selected variables like educational status [?2(8) 22.99] p<.01, occupational status [?2(8) 38.127] p<.001, monthly family income [? 2(10) 39.37] p<.001and family history of diabetes mellitus [? 2(2) 8.55] p<.05. Conclusion: The study concluded that most of the Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus patients had moderately adequate knowledge, average attitude and average self care practices regarding Type2 Diabetes Mellitus, which indicated the learning needs of patients. Therefore an information booklet on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus was prepared and distributed by the investigator.
Keywords: Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus, Knowledge, Attitude, Self care Practices
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021
Pages: 328 - 335
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