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New Innovation and Idea | Computer Science | India | Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
Mathematical and Computational Approach for Study of Tumor Growth
V. Bhaskara Murthy, P.N.S. Lakshmi
Abstract: This paper discuss about various methods used for study of data related tumor growth using some of mathematical modelling concepts and computational modeling concepts. Model is either continuous or discrete based on the nature and type of variables involved. Depending on the growth of tumor, stage there are different types of mathematical models like Exponential, Gompertz, West law can be applied. Computational Modeling will be applied at different levels like Atomic, Biological. To study biochemical reactions and gene regulation various Markup Languages are available like SMBL, TumorML. Finally it gives a brief exposure of Modelling techniques in biology. This paper focuses on various strategies that are available and useful to study the tumor data to study the prognosis of tumors.
Keywords: Exponential Growth Model, Gompertz model, West Law, SMBL, CellML, InsilicoML, FieldML, TumorML, Peri Nets, Agent Based Systems
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022
Pages: 523 - 527
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