International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Masters Thesis | Nursing | India | Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10


A Study to Assess the Cognitive and Learning Capacity of Blind Children in Selected Special Schools in Bangalore

Pankaj Roat

Abstract: Background of the study: Number of legally blind children in India is 1.3 million, according to National Center for Health Statistics. Among that 96000 people are school age blind children. The assessments of abilities and education are very much neglected in India. Statement of the problem: A study to assess cognitive and learning capacity of blind children in selected special schools, Bangalore. Objectives: 1) Assess the cognitive and learning capacity of blind children. 2) Associate the cognitive and learning capacity of blind children with demographic variables. Hypotheses: All hypotheses will be tested at.05 level of significance. A) H1: There will be adequate knowledge cognitive and learning capacity of blind children. B) H2: There will be a significant association between cognitive and learning capacity of blind children and selected demographic variables. Method: The research design selected for the study was a descriptive approach which was best suited to find the knowledge regarding cognitive and learning capacity of blind children. The study was conducted in Nivedana School for blind, Bangalore. The samples included 100 students selected by non probability convenient sampling method. Data was selected by using interview schedule questionnaire. The questionnaire schedule comprised 2 parts. PART A: Consists of demographic characteristics of sample respondents seeking information such as age, family income, type of diet, area of residence etc. PART B: Consists of 30 statements pertaining to knowledge domain regarding cognitive and learning capacity assessment. It has 4aspects which is mentioned below: Result: Distribution of demographic variables of blind students with cognitive and learning capacity assessment: 1) Regarding age, majority, 43 (43%) of the students were in the age of 11 - 12 years, 29% of students were in the age of 8 - 10 years, 17% of students were in the age group of 10 - 11 years and 11% of the students were in the age group of 6 - 8 years of age. 2) On the basis of religion, 38 (38%) of the students were Muslims, 33 (33%) of students were Hindus, 29 (29%) of the workers were Christians. 3) When considering the residing area are 64 (64%) respondents belong to rural community and 36 (36%) of the students were from urban community. 4) While considering the types of family, majority 56 (56%) respondents belong to nuclear family, 44 (44%) of the students were belong to joint family. 5) Regarding the family income, majority 42 (42%) of the students? family income was Rs.1000 - 3000, 45 (45%) of the students? family income was between Rs.3001 - 7000, 9 (9%) of the students? family income was Rs.7001 - 11000, 4 (4%) of the workers? family income was Rs.11001 - 15000. 6) On the basis of health status, 78 (78%) of the students were healthy and 22 (22%) of the students were unhealthy. 7) On the basis of occupation of father, 39 (39%) were doing agriculture, 38 (38%) were having government job, 10 (10%) were doing business and 13 (13%) were kooli workers. The first objective of the study was to assess the cognitive and learning capacity of blind children in selected special school in Bangalore. The study finding reveals that 5% of the students have inadequate knowledge and cognitive capacities, 36% have moderately adequate cognitive and learning capacities and 2% of the students have adequate cognitive and learning capacities. It is evident the mean percentage of the score was maximum 48.78% in the area of cognitive and learning capacity assessment. The study was supported by a study conducted by Ajeet Bhardwaj in Delhi that 75% of the blind children have learning and cognitive deficiencies. The second objectives of the study were to associate between demographic variables and cognitive and learning capacity of the blind children. a) There was significant association found only between Health Status and cognitive and learning capacity (?2=10.52 at p<0.05 level) b) There was non significant association found between age and cognitive and learning capacity (?2=3.247 at p<0.05 level), Religion and cognitive and learning capacity (?2=2.40 at p<0.05 level), Residence and cognitive and learning capacity (?2=4.38at p<0.05 level), Occupation of the father and cognitive and learning capacity (?2=14.02 at p<0.05 level), Types of Family and cognitive and learning capacity (?2=2.71 at p<0.05 level), Family Income and cognitive and learning capacity (?2=25.99 at p<0.05 level), The study was supported by a study conducted by Joseh Sarahbanda (2006). The study association between the capacities of blind children and demographic variables are non significant. The background of the students will not affect their cognition and learning. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the cognitive and learning capacity of school aged blind children were moderately adequate. So they need further more assessment and teaching to improve the cognitive and learning capacities.

Keywords: Cognitive and Learning Capacity, Blind Children, Special School

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022

Pages: 1133 - 1136


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Pankaj Roat, "A Study to Assess the Cognitive and Learning Capacity of Blind Children in Selected Special Schools in Bangalore", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022, pp. 1133-1136,, DOI:

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