International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Student Project | Microbiology | India | Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022 | Rating: 5.4 / 10

Characterization of Bacteria Isolated from Decayed Vitis Vinifera and Musa Paradisiaca Fruits and Assessment of their Susceptibility to Antimicrobial Animal Derivatives

Ahmed Nusaim | Mary Dorothy Anitha Sebastian

Abstract: Bacteria are the major and important factor for fruit spoilage. A study was carried out to examine the presence of bacterial species in decayed grapes (Vitis vinifera) and banana (Musa paradisiaca). Two types of bacteria namely (AHM1-Grapes) and (AHM 2-Banana) were successfully isolated by Serial Dilution ?agar plating method (Spread plate method). Gram stain results demonstrated that one sample (AHM1) is Gram negative rod-shaped bacteria and other sample (AHM2) is Gram positive rod-shaped bacteria. Antimicrobial Susceptibility testing was carried out using three different antimicrobial agents against the two types of bacteria that were successfully isolated. The different antimicrobial agents used were Ant peptide extracted from Tetramorium sp. Citric acid solution and chitosan extracted from shell of prawn. The two colonies were identified by 16SrRNA sequencing. Molecular characterization revealed that the Bacterial species were (AHM1-grapes-Sequencing Results awaited for this isolate)) and Bacillus siamensis (AHM2-Banana). Phylogenetic analysis were also carried out for Bacillus siamensis. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile of the bacterial isolates obtained from spoilt grape and banana fruits samples was determined using the Disc-diffusion method in nutrient agar medium. All two bacterial isolates were susceptible to the three antimicrobial agents that were used. These antimicrobial agents can be used as coatings in fruits and vegetables as food packaging agents as these agents inhibits the growth of microorganisms.

Keywords: Bacteria, Decayed fruits, Antimicrobial Susceptibility, Antimicrobial Agents, Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022,

Pages: 1374 - 1381

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