An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Transcendental Meditation on Reduction of Stress among Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals at Kumbakonam Taluk in Tanjavore District
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10


An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Transcendental Meditation on Reduction of Stress among Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals at Kumbakonam Taluk in Tanjavore District

Srilatha C., G. Deepika

Abstract: Introduction: Stress among nurses is on endemic problem. Stress affecting nurses across the globe has been convincingly documented in the literature for more than 40 years. Nurses environment include an enclosed astrosphere, time pressure, excessive noise, or undue quiet sudden swing of from intense to mundane tasks, no second chance, unpleasant sights and sounds and long standing hours. Nurses are trained to deal with these factors but chronic stress takes to toll when there are additional stress factors like home stress, conflict at work, inadequate staffing and poor supervision. Aim: an experimental study to assess the effectiveness of transcendental meditation on reduction of stress among nurses working in selected hospitals at Kumbakonam taluk in Tanjavore district. Materials and methods: Quantitative approach - True experimental research design (before and after only design) was adopted to conduct the study on 60 nursing professionals who were working in Anbu and Sugam multi specialty hospital was selected by using simple random probability sampling technique by using lottery method. Nurses who were free from physical and mental disorders, who were completed GNM &B. SC (N) Program, who were working in the bedside patient care level and those were willing to participate were included in the study. Nurses who were practicing any stress reduction measures were excluded from the study. Results: in the current study findings reveals that with regard to the pre test level of stress in experimental group, among 30 nurses, 2 (6.67%) nurses were came under stress is not a problem, 4 (13.33%) nurses came under moderate range of stress, 10 (33.33%) nurses came under stress is a clearly a problem , 14 (46.67%) nurses came under stress is a major problem with regard to the pre test level of stress in control group, among 30 nurses, 2 (6.67%) nurses were came under moderate range of stress, 13 (43.33%) nurses came under stress is a clearly a problem , 15 (50%) nurses came under stress is a major problem with regard to the post test level of stress in experimental group, among 30 nurses, 21 (70%) nurses were came under stress is not a problem, 9 (30%) nurses came under moderate range of stress. With regard to the post test level of stress in control group, among 30 nurses, 1 (3.33%) nurses were came under stress is not a problem 5 (16.67%) nurses were came under moderate range of stress, 15 (50%) nurses came under stress is a clearly a problem , 9 (30%) nurses came under stress is a major problem. Conclusion: On the basis of the study findings the investigator has reached a conclusion that application of complementary and alternative interventions like Transcendental Meditation to nurse once a day for about 15 to 20 minutes was very useful in stress reduction.

Keywords: Stress, transcendental meditation, effectiveness, nurses

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022

Pages: 517 - 521


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Srilatha C., G. Deepika, "An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Transcendental Meditation on Reduction of Stress among Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals at Kumbakonam Taluk in Tanjavore District", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022, pp. 517-521,, DOI:
