Depletion of Firefly Species in Delaware: a Comparative Study
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | India | Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10


Depletion of Firefly Species in Delaware: a Comparative Study

Arjun Mittal

Abstract: In Delaware, it is projected that the sea level will rise between 0.5 and 1.5 meters by the year 2100, thereby significantly altering wetland ecosystems and modifying the distribution patterns of species dependent on wetlands. This predicament presents a challenge for the enigmatic lantern firefly species, which is endemic to Delaware and belongs to the Photuris genus. The lantern firefly relies on floodplains situated at an elevation of less than 1 meter above sea level. Conversely, there is minimal research on the Say's Firefly (Pyractomena Angulata), another firefly that is also found in Delaware, and hence, it remains unclear what is causing its decline. Why focus on fireflies? Fireflies, like many other forms of wildlife, are subject to the pervasive influence of human activities across all levels. Fireflies are impacted by habitat fragmentation, increasing deforestation and urbanization, rising sea levels, and light pollution. If humans fail to pay attention, the act of chasing fireflies on a warm summer night may become a memory. Notably, reports indicate that the ongoing sixth mass extinction, unlike previous extinctions driven by natural phenomena, is primarily propelled by human activity. The research aims to identify the areas inhabited by both firefly species, using a methodology of comparative analysis of their respective distribution map. This will be done through statistical analysis on two open source datasets, one for each type whereby we will be using the dataset with more information to derive inferences on the less researched one. Fireflies play a crucial role in maintaining food web stability as both predators and prey. With their substantial diets and preference for snails and slugs, they contribute to agricultural environments. Moreover, the bioluminescent glow emitted by fireflies serves as a dietary component for numerous animal species. Therefore, it is imperative to analyze the factors contributing to the decline of fireflies in order to potentially reduce the effects of unknown climatic factors and consequences.

Keywords: Say's Firefly, Mysterious Lantern Firefly, Conservation, Extinction, Climate Change

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023

Pages: 1066 - 1071


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Arjun Mittal, "Depletion of Firefly Species in Delaware: a Comparative Study", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023, pp. 1066-1071,, DOI:
