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Review Papers | Gynaecology | India | Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023 | Popularity: 4.4 / 10
Availability of Evidence Related to Menstruation Problems and its Management among Deaf and Mute Girls Population: A Narrative Review
Dr Neelam K Rathod, Dr Jagdish T Gohil
Abstract: Adolescence is a period in which major physical and psychological changes occur in every young woman. Serious gynaecological pathology is rare in this age group, but menstrual disturbances are most commonly noticeable and may add further disruption to this difficult phase especially for adolescents with disability and their families. Menstrual related challenges commonly faced by girls across the globe. A narrative review carried out to determine the menstruation related issues and dysmenorrhea and its management published last 5 years was searched. In general, the review carried out by the assess knowledge related to reproductive health; health related issues, academic challenges, MHM issues, availability of WASH facilities, waste management during menstruation. Conclusion: lack of evidence and measures are available for deaf and mute girls related to menstruation issues and primary dysmenorrhea.
Keywords: Adolescence, Menstruation, Deaf and Mute girls, Dysmenorrhea, Menstrual hygiene
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023
Pages: 542 - 544
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