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Research Paper | Educational Psychology | India | Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10
Student Teachers (B. Ed. Students) Level of Knowledge regarding National Education Policy 2020: A Survey Based Study
Kalpana Mahendra More
Abstract: From past two years, National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) has attracted a great deal of attention of all stake holders of education system. The NEP 2020 has several key features and is expected to bring radical transformation in entire education domain. Since some of these features are introduced for the first time, both the central and state governments, with the help of universities and institutes of higher education has conducted exhaustive deliberations via workshops, seminars, conferences, and dedicated training programmes. School education is an important part of the entire education system, and for implementation of the NEP 2020 at school level, a key role will be played by the teachers Despite the painstaking efforts put in for effective implementation of the NEP 2020, it is observed that the teachers and students have lack of understandings, which may hamper its implementation. Since B. Ed. students are the would be teachers in schools, it is essential to assess their understanding about NEP 2020. In this research paper an attempt is made to investigate the level of knowledge and comprehension among students pursuing a Bachelor in Education (B. Ed.) regarding NEP 2020. The study deals with a survey method to collect data, seeking insights into the awareness, understanding, and perceptions of student teachers regarding key aspects of NEP 2020. The findings aim to offer a noticeable contribution via key inputs to educational practitioners, policymakers, and researchers, assisting in the effective implementation of NEP 2020.
Keywords: NEP2020, Student teachers (B. Ed. students), Survey method
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022
Pages: 1488 - 1491
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