The Potency of Budesonide Nasal Douching After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery of Polyps in Chronic Allergic Rhinosinusitis in a Tertiary Care Center
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Analysis Study Research Paper | Otorhinolaryngology | India | Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023 | Popularity: 5 / 10


The Potency of Budesonide Nasal Douching After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery of Polyps in Chronic Allergic Rhinosinusitis in a Tertiary Care Center

Kadiri Sravani, Bhavya Kanakarajula, Gopi Koneti

Abstract: Among the most common causes of chronic respiratory diseases is nasal polyposis. The goal of treating severe allergy rhinosinusitis of polyps is to limit the disease progression as well as the local immune function of the mucous membrane. This is accomplished through the removal of polypoid mucosa from all sinuses via workable functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), followed by steroid suppression of the local immune response. Budesonide nasal douching was recently introduced for the postoperative management of individuals with allergic rhinosinusitis. Many physicians are beginning to accept this procedure's therapeutic effectiveness and safety. The potency of budesonide nose irrigation in postoperative treatment of chronic allergens rhinosinusitis with polyps was investigated. A total of 30 patients with postoperative disease allergic rhinosinusitis of polyps were randomly assigned to one of two groups. According to institute protocol, both groups received regular post - FESS medication. In addition to routine care, one set of patients gained budesonide nasal douching. Endoscopic evaluations were performed on both groups at 1, 2, 6, as well as 2 ? months following surgery. The change in pre - , as well as the postoperative quality of life, patient complaints, and the requirement for revision surgery, were all evaluated. The Sino - Nasal Actual result Test - 22 (subjective analysis) and endoscopic Lund - Kennedy grading (objective measurement) were used to evaluate the two postoperative groups. The preoperative Sino - Nasal Result Test 22 score was an average of 52.2. It was reduced to an estimated value of 29.4 in patients who followed the standard postoperative protocol and to 15.8 in patients who did not. Budesonide was added to one?s douching solutions. The average endoscopy tally for patients who received budesonide was 2.2, especially in comparison to 2.9 for those who didn't acquire budesonide nose douching. Budesonide nasal douching may be a safe and effective tool for managing the local inflammatory reaction in allergic rhinosinusitis. It enhances life quality and has an appropriate response on the nasal mucosa, resulting in less mucosal edema and a decreased risk of polypoidal changes postoperatively.

Keywords: Chronic allergic rhino - sinusitis, FESS, polyps, SNOT - 22,. Steroid douching

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023

Pages: 935 - 938


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Kadiri Sravani, Bhavya Kanakarajula, Gopi Koneti, "The Potency of Budesonide Nasal Douching After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery of Polyps in Chronic Allergic Rhinosinusitis in a Tertiary Care Center", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023, pp. 935-938,, DOI:
