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Analysis Study Research Paper | Geography | Saudi Arabia | Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10
GIS Based Traffic Flow Analysis in King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Basem M. Ali, Faisal M. Jamalallail
Abstract: Some places or cities in developing countries suffer from a dearth of traffic statistics which is necessary for analysis of traffic situation and for proposing solutions to traffic problems in these places. King Abdulaziz University is an example of these places. It suffers from traffic congestion and long delays especially in the gates, which is an active student and academic movements and some streets which has the highest traffic because it connects many colleges, companies and stadiums at the university. This research aims to analyze the traffic situation in the king Abdulaziz University. It analyzes traffic counts collected at 14 gates and 20 different street segments. Based on the statistical analysis of these data, the results were presented in a map format, making it easy to interpret and quick to make decisions. The results display different levels of congestion and vehicular volume along digital traffic gates and streets. The results will be beneficial for agencies in charge of traffic conditions planning and management in King Abdulaziz University. GIS is powerful tool for both spatial and non-spatial data analyses. From the analysis, it can provide traffic data to transport planners in road controlling authorities in order to understand congestion better, determine its causes and priorities investment where it is most needed.
Keywords: King Abdulaziz University, traffic counts, traffic congestion, GIS
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023
Pages: 688 - 696
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