A Study on Outcome of Combined Spinal Epidural Anaesthesia in Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Orthopaedic Surgeries in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Analysis Study Research Paper | Anaesthesiology | India | Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023 | Popularity: 4.9 / 10


A Study on Outcome of Combined Spinal Epidural Anaesthesia in Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Orthopaedic Surgeries in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital

Karanam Sandhya, Kandula Renuka, Pyarejan Basheer

Abstract: Aim: To evaluate the complications and postoperative analgesia with combined spinal - epidural in patients undergoing lower limb orthopedic surgeries. Methods and materials: The study was conducted in 90 patients in age group of 18 ? 80 years of ASA 1 and 2 scheduled for lower limb orthopedic surgeries. The double - space combined spinal epidural technique was performed using 2 - 2.5 ml 0.5% H bupivacaine and an additive and after five minutes, a 10 ml 0.25% Bupivacaine solution with 25 - 50 mcg Fentanyl was given epidurally. Onset and level of sensory blockade, duration of analgesia, quality of analgesia using visual analogue scale (VAS), vital parameters were recorded at 0, 5 minutes (min) then at regular intervals. Postoperative analgesia with epidural infusion of 0.125% Bupivacaine with 1mcg/ml fentanyl [at] 5ml/hr for 20 hours. Quality of post - operative analgesia (VAS), BP & HR, need for rescue analgesia were monitored post operatively. Results: Maximum patients attained T8 level (58.9%). The mean duration to achieve grade IV motor blockade was 8.83 ? 1.21 min, the mean duration of analgesia is 10+ 2.6hr. This VAS score is almost less than 2 in all patients in the first 4 - 6 hours, 40% of patients needed rescue analgesia after 10 hours. No significant changes in hemodynamic parameters. Conclusion: The CSE technique is an easy method to provide adequate analgesia with stable hemodynamics and less side effects.

Keywords: combined spinal epidural, orthopedic surgeries, rescue analgesia, VAS

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023

Pages: 572 - 574

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR23313104625

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Karanam Sandhya, Kandula Renuka, Pyarejan Basheer, "A Study on Outcome of Combined Spinal Epidural Anaesthesia in Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Orthopaedic Surgeries in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023, pp. 572-574, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=SR23313104625, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR23313104625
