Remineralisation of Incipient Lesions - A Narrative Review
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Review Papers | Dentistry | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10


Remineralisation of Incipient Lesions - A Narrative Review

Dr. Kalpana Khanoria, Dr. Anshu Minocha, Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh

Abstract: Caries is not simply a continuous and unidirectional process of the demineralization of the mineral phase, but a cyclic event with periods of demineralisations and remineralisation of acid ions from the plaque to the advancing front and mineral ions from the advancing front toward the plaque. The remineralization process is a natural repair mechanism to restore the minerals again, in ionic forms, to the hydroxyapatite (HAP) crystal lattice. The focus on caries has recently shifted to the development of methodologies for the detection of the early stages of caries lesions and the use of non - invasive treatment for these lesions. Remineralisation can occur naturally or be induced by therapies. Remineralization of white - spot lesions and carious lesions may be possible with a variety of currently available agents containing fluoride, bioavailable calcium and phosphate, and casein phosphopeptide in - amorphous calcium phosphate, self - assembling peptide.

Keywords: Incipient lesions, Demineralisation, Remineralisation

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023

Pages: 289 - 293


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Dr. Kalpana Khanoria, Dr. Anshu Minocha, Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh, "Remineralisation of Incipient Lesions - A Narrative Review", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023, pp. 289-293,, DOI: