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Analysis Study Research Paper | Geography | India | Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
Trend and Inequality Analysis of the Size of Operational Holdings in Karnataka State, India
Dr. Suresh L. Chitragar
Abstract: Land is a free gift of nature with a fixed supply and is the basic asset of an agrarian economy. It is a prerequisite for cultivation, the major source of income, and an index of household status; thus, it is of immense significance to study the distribution patterns of landholdings for better agricultural planning. Landholding size determines investment in agriculture, productivity, farm mechanisation, and the sustainability of farm incomes themselves. "Today, land ownership is considered one of the most important sources of livelihood and social status for farmers, and the land market operates largely through tenancy rather than outright sale or purchase" A lot of research work has been done to study the aftereffects of land reforms, inequality in land distribution, etc. Hence, the present study is an attempt to make a trend and inequality analysis of the size of operational holdings in Karnataka state from 1970?71 to 2015?16, which includes an appreciation of the distributional pattern of operational land holdings and their area, the spatial distribution of the size of holdings and its changes in size distribution, and to suggest appropriate strategies in the light of prevailing government policies and programmes to improve the landholding settings. The district has been considered the smallest unit of study. The present study is mainly based on secondary sources of data, and the required data for the study was obtained from the Directorate, Department of Economic and Statistics, and State Agricultural Census Commissioner, Bengaluru; besides this, data were also collected from various government offices and websites. To achieve the objectives mentioned above, the relevant statistical and cartographic techniques (ArcGIS)along with Microsoft Excel and STATA 12 have been employed. To describe the spatial pattern of variations in the average size of land holdings in the Karnataka state during 2010?11 and 2015?16, all the districts are grouped into four categories: very high, high, medium, and low concentration areas. At last, the results were presented with suitable diagrams and figures.
Keywords: size of land holdings, fragmentation, inequality, Gini coefficient, policies and programmes
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023
Pages: 722 - 734
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