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Review Papers | Environmental Engineering | India | Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
A Review Paper on the Impact of Municipal Solid Waste Surface Water Quality
Abhijeet Singh, Kamal Nabh Tripathi
Abstract: Water is the source of our life existence in our ecosystem and in present situation natural resources of water getting contaminated and polluted due to some human activities by their interference and misuse. Improper human activities such as throwing of garbage openly, improper disposing of materials such as plastic and paper etc. Due to these activities, quantity of solid waste is increasing day by day and this is caused because of lack of solid waste management and lack of proper knowledge behind the proper dumping of waste among the people. Also causes due to open dumping and throwing with no precautions and techniques. These improper dumping activities causing many environmental problems and health hazards. Most common problems created by these activities are contamination of surface water and is causes contamination of drinking water. In field of agriculture, irrigation by contaminated water causes loss of fertility in soil and this makes reduction in the availability of food. Climate change which causes a disastrous problem, including irregular rainfalls and flash floods. In this review paper, a vast study of the surface water quality parameter assessment is carried out around the sites Khurram nagar (SAMPLE 1), Kukrail nala (SAMPLE 2), Jagrani (SAMPLE 3), Tedhipulia (SAMPLE 4) and Bharwara treatment plant (SAMPLE 5) of LUCKNOW. The parameters which are studied in this paper are pH, TSS, TDS, Total hardness, Chloride content, iron content, turbidity, colour, taste and odour.
Keywords: Municipal solid waste, Contamination, Dumping, Waste management, Quality parameters
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023
Pages: 9 - 13
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