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Research Paper | Education Management | India | Volume 12 Issue 9, September 2023 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10
Exploring the Wisdom of the Vedas: Insights into Ancient Indian Education and its Relevance Today
Dr. S Vidyashree, Dr. Amulya Bharadwaj
Abstract: This r?s?arch pap?r inv?stigat?s into th? wisdom and t?achings of th? V?das, th? anci?nt sacr?d t?xts of India, to ?xplor? th?ir ?nduring influ?nc? on ?ducation in anci?nt India and th?ir r?l?vanc? in cont?mporary tim?s. Combining t?xtual analysis and historical analysis as r?s?arch m?thods, th? study syst?matically ?xamin?s th? Rig V?dic t?xts whil? consid?ring th?ir socio - cultural cont?xt. Th? pap?r highlights th? holistic natur? of ?ducation, th? r?v?r?d Guru - shishya r?lationship, th? significanc? of moral valu?s, and th? pursuit of knowl?dg? and truth as ?spous?d in th? Vedas. By int?grating V?dic ?ducational principl?s, ?ducators can cr?at? culturally r?l?vant and compr?h?nsiv? l?arning ?nvironm?nts that nurtur? int?ll?ctual, moral, and spiritual growth. Th? r?s?arch also acknowl?dg?s th? chall?ng?s and limitations in adapting anci?nt principl?s to suit modern cont?xts. Ov?rall, this study sh?ds light on th? profound wisdom of th? V?das and th?ir pot?ntial contributions to cont?mporary ?ducational philosophi?s and practic?s.
Keywords: Vedas, Vedic education, Guru - shishya tradition, Gurukula system, holistic education, moral values, knowledge and truth, contemporary education, cultural relevance, integration, challenges, adaptation
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 9, September 2023
Pages: 621 - 627
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