An Observational Study to Assess Thyroid Function Tests in First Trimester of Pregnancy
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Obstetrics and Gynecology | India | Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10


An Observational Study to Assess Thyroid Function Tests in First Trimester of Pregnancy

Dr. Parul Sanwaria, Dr. Reena Pant, Dr. Aparna Sharma, Dr. Priyanka Singh

Abstract: Introduction: Miscarriage is a common occurrence in early pregnancy, defined as the loss of a nonviable intrauterine pregnancy within the first 12 weeks. Various maternal and fetal factors contribute to miscarriage, with maternal thyroid dysfunction playing a significant role. Thyroid disorders, particularly hypothyroidism, are prevalent in reproductive - age women and can lead to complications such as miscarriage, preterm birth, and fetal developmental issues. Objective: This study aims to assess the relationship between thyroid function and the risk of miscarriage by comparing thyroid hormone levels, including thyroid - stimulating hormone (TSH), T3, T4, and thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO - Ab), in women with early pregnancy loss versus those with viable pregnancies. Materials and Methods: A comparative observational study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, over one year, starting in November 2022. The study included 50 cases of women with first - trimester miscarriage and 50 controls with viable pregnancies. Thyroid function tests, including serum TSH, T3, T4, and TPO - Ab levels, were performed. Continuous variables were analyzed using an unpaired t - test, and categorical variables were analyzed using the chi - square or Fisher exact test, with a p - value <0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: The mean age was 27.64 years in the case group and 26.78 years in the control group. The mean TSH level was significantly higher in the case group (2.56) compared to the control group (1.14), with a p - value of 0.001. The presence of TPO antibodies (?35 U/ml) was observed in 9 cases versus none in controls, which was statistically significant (p - value 0.007). Conclusion: Hypothyroidism is associated with an increased risk of early pregnancy loss. Routine thyroid function screening is crucial for early diagnosis and management to improve pregnancy outcomes.

Keywords: Miscarriage, thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroidism, TSH, pregnancy, thyroid peroxidase antibodies

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024

Pages: 42 - 45


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Dr. Parul Sanwaria, Dr. Reena Pant, Dr. Aparna Sharma, Dr. Priyanka Singh, "An Observational Study to Assess Thyroid Function Tests in First Trimester of Pregnancy", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024, pp. 42-45,, DOI:

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