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Research Paper | Mathematics and Statistics | India | Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10
An Investigation to Identify the Problematic Areas in Mathematics Curriculum of Under Graduate - Level Students of Kamrup (M), Assam
Dr. Mrinal Sarma
Abstract: Mathematics is considered to be one of the significant subjects that play a vital role in developing the analytical skills of the students. However, lack of understanding, concept clarity, language barriers, abstract ideas affect the student?s performance and prevent them from obtaining a detailed understanding of the subject knowledge. In the current study, students' learning problem has been considered to be the dependent variables while teaching material, teaching method and content knowledge has been considered as the Independent variables to address the study objectives. The issues are also found regarding the pure mathematics of applied mathematics topics, which shows the unbalanced application of curriculum and teaching infrastructure. The teaching method along with teaching materials plays a significant role in developing interest among the students and motivates them to learn. While on the other hand, the implementation of innovative teaching strategies contributes toward enhanced learning by mitigating the knowledge gap of the students. The study has also focussed upon conduction of correlation, regression, KMO and Bartlett test to determine the interrelationship between the variables and addressing the research hypothesis. P - value obtained in the study has been reported to be less than 0.05 thereby indicating rejection of the null hypothesis while acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. The key findings include that there is a great importance of mathematics to secure a desired position in this market. It has been seen that the demand for technology and science in the present competitive world is rapidly increasing. Positivism research philosophy and deductive research approach have been followed in this research. Content knowledge, teaching materials, and teaching methods play a dominating role in influencing the mathematics learning of the students.
Keywords: Cognitive learning theory, Behavioural learning theory, Constructivism learning theories, content knowledge gap, teaching methodologies, Cognitive learning
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 11, November 2024
Pages: 917 - 920
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