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Analysis Study Research Paper | Anaesthesiology | Indonesia | Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10
The Completeness of Filling in the Anesthesia Card Form in West Java, Indonesia
Richa Noprianty, M. Haekal Nafiz, Rachwan Herawan
Abstract: The completeness of medical record documents can affect the process of health services in hospitals because of the completeness of filling out medical records as an indicator of service quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the completeness of filling out the anesthesia card form. This research method is descriptive observational, with quantitative data type. The study population was 487 anesthesia card forms at the Central Surgical Installation of Rumah Sakit X in West Java, Indonesia. The samples obtained were 83 anesthesia card forms. Sampling using Accidental Sampling. The research instrument used in this study was in the form of an Observation Check list sheet consisting of 59 components of pre-anesthesia observation, 33 components of intra-anesthesia observation and 28 components of post-anesthesia. It can be concluded that for pre-anesthesia forms that were filled in completely as much as 8.4% and incomplete 91.5%, intraanesthesia forms filled in as much as 18.0% and incomplete as much as 82%, post-anesthesia forms filled incompletely as much as 20.4%, and incomplete as much as 79.5%. With the high percentage of incompleteness in filling out the anesthesia form, the action that can be taken is to shorten and reduce the number of components of the anesthesia form so that the completeness of the anesthesia form can increase. For hospitals to review the components in the anesthesia card form because it is felt that it is enough to affect the completeness in filling, by reducing components.
Keywords: Anesthesia Card Form, Filling Completeness, Pre, Intra, Post Anesthesia, Central Surgical Installation
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024
Pages: 1122 - 1127
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