A Pre-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome [PCOS] among the Adolescent Girls in Selected Senior Secondary School of Haryana
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Student Project | Gynaecology | India | Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10


A Pre-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome [PCOS] among the Adolescent Girls in Selected Senior Secondary School of Haryana

Pooja Dahiya, Pankaj Kumar, Sonia Chongtham, Sandeep Kaur

Abstract: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a complex disorder with diverse clinical presentations and potential long-term health implications. PCOS is a common health problem caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones among females. The global prevalence of PCOS is estimated between 4% and 20% Early diagnosis, personalized management, and comprehensive care are crucial to optimize outcomes and improve the quality of life for women affected by PCOS. The Structured Teaching Programme (STP) will help the girls gain complete unbiased information, which will empower them to make their own decisions leading to healthy whole lives. The present study is aimed to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls in selected senior secondary school of Haryana. In this research quantitative approach with pre-experimental one group pre and post-test design was used. The sample consisted of 70 adolescent girls and was selected by using purposive sampling technique. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics (?t? test). The result of the study showed that the mean post-test knowledge score and SD (19.97 ? 2.27) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score and SD (11.5 ? 1.998). The ?t? value computed (t= 23.43) which is more than the table t-value at 0.001 level of significance showed a significant difference suggesting that the STP was effective in increasing the knowledge of adolescent girls on PCOS. There was no association between the pre-test knowledge scores and selected demographic variables.

Keywords: Effectiveness, STP, adolescent girls, PCOS

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024

Pages: 1413 - 1416

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR24123164355

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Pooja Dahiya, Pankaj Kumar, Sonia Chongtham, Sandeep Kaur, "A Pre-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome [PCOS] among the Adolescent Girls in Selected Senior Secondary School of Haryana", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024, pp. 1413-1416, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=SR24123164355, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR24123164355
