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Analysis Study Research Paper | Marketing | India | Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024 | Popularity: 5.6 / 10
Exploring the Influence of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Behaviour
Prem Sheela Paswan, Dr. Shambhavi Tamrakar
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of e - marketing on consumers. The research methodology is of quantitative type using the simple random sampling. Data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 150 social media consumers. The study variables include consumer buying decision as a dependent variable and social media advertising as an independent variable. Income, education level, gender and age were used as moderating variables. The results of the study indicate that fr?qu?ncy of social m?dia adv?rtis?m?nts had v?ry littl? influ?nc? on consum?rs' d?cision - making. There is correlation between social media Advertisement and consumer behaviour. Th? chanc? of making purchases based on th?s? advertisement was shown to b? significantly corr?lat?d with g?nd?r. In the modern digital environment, und?rstanding th?s? dynamics is ?ss?ntial to developing successful mark?ting strat?gi?s and unrav?lling th? nuanc?d int?ractions b?tw??n consum?r b?haviour and adv?rtising tactics.
Keywords: Consumer behaviour, Social media marketing and advertising, Psychological Factors, Decision - making processes, Influencer Brand Perception, Target audience
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024
Pages: 538 - 545
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