International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Transport Studies | India | Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10


Road Traffic Enforcement: Use of Technology through Public Private Partnership - PPP- Mode

Er Mubashir Jan

Abstract: The past two decades have seen a wide - ranging wave of privatizations in formerly government owned or - controlled activities. A government task or service which is funded and operated through a partnership between a public sector authority and private sector company based on guidelines and performance standards set by a public party is typically referred to as a Public Private Partnership (PPP). In most countries traffic enforcement cameras and other equipment are purchased, owned, and operated by government organisations. Back - offices, where violation data are processed, citations issued, and traffic fines collected, have traditionally been government - run activities. In a PPP model, a private party invests and installs enforcement equipment (e. g. speed or red - light cameras) and conducts back office processing, such as sending out violation notices and managing and confirming fine collection. The investment in equipment and related processing and support activities are funded by fine revenues collected from the motoring public over the contract term. Gaining public support, and ultimately acceptance, for the PPP model is crucial, which is why transparency, publicity and continuous communication are key factors for successful and sustainable implementation. Full service PPPs are often organised on a municipal level in close consultation with the local administration and police. Due to the high initial investment and gradual repayment, such PPPs are typically based on longer term contracts. Moreover, the regulatory environment may require some changes to allow involvement of a private party. One process that is difficult to outsource is the formal confirmation of a violation by a review of the photo or video evidence. Generally, this can only be validly performed by an authorised government official, such as a police officer. Depending on laws and regulations applicable to specific jurisdictions, there could be more issues that may limit the extent of the private party?s involvement in these PPPs. When properly implemented, PPP?s in traffic enforcement can considerably contribute to the reduction of casualties, injuries and crashes, as well as improve traffic flow, and increase quality of life with more safety, lower emissions and less noise pollution. Speed reduction also significantly benefits the safety of vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, and two - wheelers Personal injury and death on roadways also have a significant impact on the economy through medical costs, lost resources and wages and disability pay outs. These costs are significant and are estimated by the WHO to amount to an average of around 3% of a country?s GNP. This figure rises to 5% in some low - and middle - income countries

Keywords: Public Private Partnership, traffic enforcement, road safety, transparency, investment

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024

Pages: 1065 - 1068


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Er Mubashir Jan, "Road Traffic Enforcement: Use of Technology through Public Private Partnership - PPP- Mode", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024, pp. 1065-1068,, DOI: