Analysis and Design of Steel Building and its Comparative Study with Conventional RCC Building
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Analysis Study Research Paper | Structural Engineering | India | Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10


Analysis and Design of Steel Building and its Comparative Study with Conventional RCC Building

Akshay Gavandare, R. S. Patil, Dr. G. R. Gandhe

Abstract: This study reviews the analysis and design of steel members or sections to use in construction of apartment buildings, and its comparative study with conventional RCC structure. Nowadays the construction sector is exploring rapidly and it also involves new structural systems for fast and precise work on the field. During the recent decades, our society has been continuously experimenting with newer techniques and alternative materials. In a study it is found that the two major aspects for which all these alternatives get researched are Speed of Execution and Economy of Project. So we want to have a comparative study of steel apartment buildings with conventional RC structures. In the present work a G+5 story apartment building whose ground floor is considered as parking, which is situated in earthquake zone-II. The provisions of IS: 1893 (Part1)-2016 is considered using commercial software for the analysis of models. The design works will be carried out using IS: 800-2007 and IS: 456-2000 for steel structural system and RCC respectively. As the building considered for the design is a G+5 storied building, it is more an earthquake load dominating rather than a wind load. So keeping the wind analysis deprived the building is analysed for various combinations considering earthquake load. As earthquake forces are associated with inertia, they are related to the mass of the structure and so reducing the mass inevitably leads to lower seismic design forces. Indeed some steel structures are sufficiently light that seismic design is not critical. Equivalent Static Method of Analysis and Response spectrum analysis method are used for the analysis of both Steel and RCC structures.

Keywords: Steel, reinforced concrete, precise work, speed, economy, commercial, residential, earthquake, development, strength, consumption, proficiency

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024

Pages: 1824 - 1827


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Akshay Gavandare, R. S. Patil, Dr. G. R. Gandhe, "Analysis and Design of Steel Building and its Comparative Study with Conventional RCC Building", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024, pp. 1824-1827,, DOI:
