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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 14 Issue 2, February 2025 | Popularity: 5.4 / 10
A Case Control Study on Anemia and Selected Risk Factors among Nursing Students of a Selected College of Nursing, Surat, Gujarat
Rinal Barad, Dr. Rani Shetty
Abstract: Introduction: Anemia is a critical health problem in India and most commonly found among adolescents and women of reproductive age. Anemia is a leading factor in high maternal morbidity and mortality. Anemia among women has greater consequences on reproductive health. Anemia is caused by a number of factors, including socioeconomic level, worm infestation, nutritional status, blood loss during menstruation, and hand hygiene. Aim of the study: The aim of the present study was to identify the prevalence of anemia and selected risk factors for anemia among nursing students. Material and methods: The research design adopted by the researcher was case control research design. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among 157 nursing students and their Hb was checked using venous sampling. After obtaining the results, students were identified as anemic and non anemic groups. Sample size was estimated by the following 1:1 ratio from the survey. By using simple random sampling techniques 50 students with anemia (case) and 50 students without anemia (control) were selected. Data related to socio demographic variables were collected by providing structured questionnaires and inventory checklists were used to collect data regarding risk factors. Result: Study results showed that prevalence of anemia among 157 surveyed students was 58.6 %. Whereas, 65 (41.40%) students identified with normal levels of hemoglobin. The findings of the odd? s ratio suggest that the Nursing students with more than 22 years, urban residence, joint family, non-vegetarian diet pattern, worm infestation and irregular menstrual cycle have a greater risk than those who did not suffer from anemia. Conclusion: The purpose of this case-control study was to determine the prevalence of anemia and risk factors of a selected college of nursing. The study discovered that a high percentage of nursing students had mild anemia. Urban residents, joint family, non vegetarian diet pattern, worm infestation and menstrual cycle are the risk factors to cause anemia.
Keywords: Anemia, Prevalence, Risk factors
Edition: Volume 14 Issue 2, February 2025
Pages: 1360 - 1364
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