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Masters Thesis | Nursing | India | Volume 14 Issue 2, February 2025 | Popularity: 5.9 / 10
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Kangaroo Mother Care among Staff Nurses of Rajindra Hospital Patiala (Punjab)
Nidhi Walia
Abstract: A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) on knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care among staff nurses in selected Hospital Patiala. Material and method: A pre experimental research design was used for the present study. A study sample of 60 nursing staff were selected by non- probability purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by self-structured questionnaires regarding kangaroo mother care among selected nursing staff of Patiala Punjab. The data was analyzed in terms of objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics in terms of frequency, percentage distribution, mean, Standard deviation, t- value, and chi-square. Results: The study findings reveals that the Mean?SD of post-test knowledge score of staff nurses (25.1?2.063) was higher than the Mean?SD of pre-test knowledge score of selected nursing students (0.03?2.144). The computed paired t- value of 38.006 was found statistically significant. The t-value showed that there was statistically significant difference between mean pre-test and post-test knowledge scores regarding kangaroo mother care among selected nursing staff..Chi Square values have shown that there was significant association of with demographic variables i.e. source of information, qualification and experience and with other demographic variables i.e Age, Gender, Source of information, type of family, place of residency, Income per month there was no significant association with knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care among selected nursing staff. Conclusion: It was concluded from the findings of the study There was significant association of demographic variable i.e. source of information, qualification and experience, with other demographic variables there was no association with knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care. The knowledge of selected nursing staff was improved. It was helpful for the nursing students or nursing staff to improve their knowledge level.
Keywords: Kangaroo mother care, Structured teaching programme, Low birth weight, Pretest, Posttest
Edition: Volume 14 Issue 2, February 2025
Pages: 1385 - 1389
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