A Qualitative Study on Perceptions and Barriers of Antenatal Iron - Folic Acid Supplements at Central Referral Hospital, Sikkim, India
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Narrative Review | Nursing | India | Volume 14 Issue 3, March 2025 | Popularity: 4.8 / 10


A Qualitative Study on Perceptions and Barriers of Antenatal Iron - Folic Acid Supplements at Central Referral Hospital, Sikkim, India

Moirangthem Thoibi Devi Pradhan, Shashirani, Pangambam, Arkierupaia Shadap

Abstract: Introduction: As per the literature says, all pregnant women are strongly recommended to have iron supplements during pregnancy in developing Nations. The best choice of treatment of anemia is through oral intake while all the pregnant women is suggested to have oral iron intake preparations efficiently throughout the pregnancy. Methods: A qualitative study design and the tools used on antenatal women were structured interview open - ended questionnaire regarding the perception and barriers. Result: The finding reveals the perception of antenatal mother towards IFA was found to be negative for few antenatal mothers. Few of the antenatal mother percept that the big baby if due to IFA consumption. Few antenatal mothers have a positive perception that weakness and blood supply will be good for babies and good growth for the fetus. The antenatal women were not very clear concept on iron and folic acid consumption. All the antenatal mothers? perception was towards negative opinion. The barriers of the antenatal mothers were constipation, vomiting, not feeling like eating and most have no barriers, and personal barriers could be identified from the study. Conclusion: The findings show that most were aware of IFA is there, but no proper importance is given during pregnancy. The responses on perception were their opinion and thinking by the antenatal women. It includes a few negative perceptions and barrier of IFA and finally the study recommendation for proper counselling and understanding the importance of IFA.

Keywords: Perception, barriers, antenatal, iron and folic acid, supplements

Edition: Volume 14 Issue 3, March 2025

Pages: 5 - 8

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR25301093933

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Moirangthem Thoibi Devi Pradhan, Shashirani, Pangambam, Arkierupaia Shadap, "A Qualitative Study on Perceptions and Barriers of Antenatal Iron - Folic Acid Supplements at Central Referral Hospital, Sikkim, India", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 14 Issue 3, March 2025, pp. 5-8, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=SR25301093933, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR25301093933
