Role of Partogram in Nulliparas
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Gynaecology | India | Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10


Role of Partogram in Nulliparas

Rutuja Kolekar, Shivanand M Gundalli, Amit Kolekar, Kaveri Pai

Abstract: This study was undertaken at K. J. SOMAIYA MEDICAL COLLEGE, HOSPITAL AND RESCEARCH CENTRE, MUMBAI between February 2010 to JUNE 2012. The study was an observational study, 250 nulliparous women who had been selected on the basis their low risk factor excluding postdatism, multiple gestation, induced labour and women with any medical or obstetric complications. The mean Age was 23.4years and the mean Gestational age was 38.4 weeks. The mean duration of first stage labour was 3.13 hours and the mean duration of second stage of labour was 37.04 minutes. The mean dilatation rate of the cervix was 1.54 cm/hr and the 10th centile was 1cm/hr. In this series, 38.4 % women received augmentation of labour. In the entire study group we had 89.2 % normal vaginal deliveries, 6.8 % caesarean sections and 4 % operative vaginal deliveries. The operative delivery rate was 83.33 % in the group of women who crossed the action line, 45 % in the group of women who were between alert and action line and only 1.4 % of the women who were to the left of alert line. The average birth weight was 2.64 kg. The 5 minute APGAR score less than 7 was found in nineteen babies out of which only eleven required NICU admissions. The babies born to women who were to the left of alert line required less (21.2 %) NICU admissions compared to the babies born to the women who were between the alert and action line and who had crossed the action line (78.8 %). There were only 2 perinatal deaths hence the prenatal mortality rate was 0.8 %, the major reason for death being respiratory problems. So simplified partogram is a very good method for monitoring labour progress of women in our local population. It a very helpful tool to monitor labouring women by both trained and untrained workers and thus must be implemented in all the hospital both rural and urban to avoid mishaps.

Keywords: labour, vaginal deliveries, partogram, babies

Edition: Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014

Pages: 2539 - 2544

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Rutuja Kolekar, Shivanand M Gundalli, Amit Kolekar, Kaveri Pai, "Role of Partogram in Nulliparas", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014, pp. 2539-2544,, DOI:
