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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Priority Queuing Approach for Video Streaming Over Mobile Adhoc Network Using WEAC Protocol
A. Kamatchi, Dr. Annasaro Vijendran
Abstract: Video Transmission over mobile adhoc network crosses many challenges like link failures, Bandwidth problem, time delay which affects Quality of service (QoS). In such occasion using multipath routing protocols such as WEAC provides efficient packet scheduling mechanism to improve the performance of video delivery over Mobile Adhoc Network. In this paper we propose a new packet scheduling mechanism for multipath video transmissions. Different video frame types are compressed and delivered on time based on the priority. Our proposed scheme for video packet scheduling is priority queuing that schedules that schedules transmission of different video packets over different paths. For this purpose, condition of each routing path is periodically evaluated and the high priority video packets are transmitted through high quality paths. Simulation results show that our proposed scheduling improves the quality of the perceived video at the receiver, considerably.
Keywords: Priority Queuing, WEAC Protocol, Mobile Adhoc Network
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014
Pages: 741 - 745
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