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Research Paper | Physiology Science | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
The Effect of Natural Breeding Partern on the Reproductive Efficiency of New Zealand White Rabbit Does in the Humid Tropics
L. Ndor, P. K. Ajuogu, V. N. Nyeche
Abstract: The study was to determine the impact of natural mating pattern on the reproductive parameters of rabbits does. Twenty seven (27) adult post pubertal fertile does and nine (9) fertile bulks with an average weight of 2.8kg were randomly assigned to three (3) experimental groups in a Completely Randomized experimental design (CRD) as follows Treatment Group A = Morning artificial mating only, Treatment Group B = Morning and afternoon artificial mating, Treatment Group C = Morning, afternoon and evening artificial mating. The results showed positive significant different (P < 0.05) on the conception rates and litter size amongst the treatment groups as the frequency of mating increases. Treatment C (morning, afternoon and evening mattings) was significantly higher (77.78) than treatment B (i. e. morning and evening mating) and A (morning mattings). The trend was the same for litter size. Group C was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than B and A that is 7.62, 5.88 and 4.63 respectively for the litter size, while group B and C are not significant. Litter weight of the kids where significantly affected progressively as the mating frequency decreases (P < 0.05). Gestation length did not show any significant response (P > 0.05) between the treatment groups which are A (30.5), B (29.67) and C (30.68) respectively. The mortality of the doe was recorded in treatments. B, and non in groups A and C. Kids mortality was not significantly affected (P > 0.05). One doe exhibited pseudo pregnancy in group A, non in B and C. No case of abortion was recorded in all the groups. It was therefore concluded of natural mating pattern can enhance reproductive efficiency in rabbit husbandry especially in the humid tropics of West Africa.
Keywords: Rabbits, Breeding Pattern, Reproductive efficiency, Humid Tropics
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015
Pages: 1561 - 1564
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