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Review Papers | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Elasto-Plastic Strain Rate Dependent Material Characterization of Steel Grade for Crash Simulation
Shyamkumar Rai, A. K. Dubey
Abstract: Strain rate sensitivity is an important material property in the formability of sheet metal. In this study, strain rate sensitivity is evaluated for grade of mild steel. . Material testing standards for quasi-static rates are relatively well established. The increasing need for high strain rate material properties is now focusing the engineering community's attention on the test methods used to generate data. The lack of industrial standards for high strain rate testing makes it vital that the end-user understands the valid applications and limitations of high strain rate material data. Current test methods, proper specimen selection, strain measurement methods, data analysis techniques, and interpretation of high strain rate data are reviewed. This paper deals with the effects of approaches for modeling of strain rate effects for mild steel on impact simulations. The material modeling is discussed. The characteristics of piecewise linear plasticity strain rate dependent material model are analyzed and sub-models for modeling of impact response of steel structures are investigated.
Keywords: Material, Ls-Dyna, crash
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015
Pages: 1323 - 1328
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