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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
A Survey on Community Detection
Suhas S Thorat, Sharmila M Shinde
Abstract: Empirical studies and theoretical modeling of networks has been the subject of a large body of recent research. Network ideas have been applied with great success to topics as diverse as the Internet and the World Wide Web. The graph or the network is a powerful tool to characterize the complex relations between a set of instances by taking each instance as a vertex and the interaction between a pair of vertices as an edge. Many complex systems can be modelled and analyzed as complex networks such as technological networks, social networks and biological networks and so on. A property that seems to be common to many networks is community structure, the division of network nodes into groups within which the network connections are dense, but between which they are sparser. It has been proved that many real world networks reveal the structures of the modules or the communities that are sub graphs with more edges connecting the vertices of the same group and comparatively fewer links joining the outside vertices. The Modules or the communities reflect the topological relations between the elements of the underlying system and the functional entities.
Keywords: community detection, network structures, partitioning, modularity optimization, hierarchical clustering
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 670 - 673
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