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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Factors Related to the Stigma Associated with HIV / Aids Patient
Namrata Mohite, Mahadeo Shinde
Abstract: HIV/AIDS related stigma (H/A stigma) is invoked as a persistent and pernicious problem. The manifestation of H/A stigma not only varies by cultural/national setting, but also by whether one is considering intrapersonal versus societal levels of stigma. Objectives -To assess the factor related to the personal & perceived community stigma. and to find the association between the factors related to stigma associated with HIV / AIDS patient and selected demographic variable. Methods descriptive research approach with Single group non experimental research design was used for 30- HIV / AIDS samples from tertiary care hospital. Results Majority (73.33 %) were in the age group 20-45yrs. Most of the patients were Male (70 %) and (96.7 %) were married as well as (90 %) patients were illiterate. community stigma according to blame and judgment people were affected with this factor i. e, 83.3 %Maximum & , interpersonal distance factors also affected with 86.7 %, and value items 60 %was affected. community stigma according to blame and judgment factors were significant with HIV/AIDS patients, But interpersonal distance & value items are not significant so persons with HIV are living in society with their own lifestyle. Conclusion This result concluded that there were no need to help this client to overcome stigmatization and discrimination. That means these people are living their own happily in the society.
Keywords: Stigma, HIV, AIDS, Patients, Community
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Pages: 38 - 42
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